Build Your Own Presentation
If you’re ready to take steps toward making your work more youth-centered, here you can access presentation slides to use as a tool for professional reflection or to facilitate a conversation within your team.
The slides highlight core concepts on how young people form their occupational identity — how they envision their future selves in the workforce, what they like to do, what they believe they’re skilled at, and where they feel they belong. You can use these core concepts to inform better interventions, models, tools, and other public assets you are creating for young people’s career exposure, exploration, and discovery.
Each module in the slide deck is focused on one core concept so you can learn more about each one and activate the concepts most relevant for your work. You can also pull slides from the different modules for your own conversations and presentations in your area of work, as long as you attribute concepts and quotes to their sources.
The concepts are based on the Striving to Thriving research that examined how young people form their occupational identity.