A collection of the latest tools and resources from Equitable Futures and our partners in the field.
Website: What does it take to engage in narrative change?
This website captures insights and lessons learned from the Pathways Narrative Project and shares tools and resources for organizations interested in engaging in narrative change as part of their mission and work. The Pathways Narrative Project is a two-year collaborative initiative, led by Wonder: Strategies for Good and supported by the Gates Foundation, Walton Family Foundation and others, that convened nine organizations working in five places (Colorado, Indiana, New York, Texas, and Washington, DC) to improve education and career pathways for young people. Together the cohort explored how to leverage the power of narrative to advance programs and systems change in the pathways space.
Online, Hispanic female, 15-22, lower-income[The word] career makes me feel happy and looking forward to working long term in my passion.
Featured Research: Striving to Thriving
How do young people see themselves and think about their future careers and lives? Equitable Futures gathered key insights on how young people view their opportunities and the challenges they face in pursuing their career and life goals.